

Laser Wire Solutions’ Odyssey laser wire strippers are tailored to the needs of polyimide coated type wires used in electrophysiology electrodes.


\Technology  技(jì)術(shù)原理(lǐ):

Featuring ultra-violet laser technology, the Odyssey strippers vaporize any polyimide type insulation cleanly and precisely, whilst harmlessly reflecting from the shield or conductor-giving a perfect nick-free strip every time. Unlike competing laser technologies-no residue is left- so it is possible to connect to the wire without
further chemical treatment.

采用紫外激光技(jì)術(shù),Odyssey 系統能夠精密地蒸發任何聚酰亞胺類型的絕緣材料,并清潔剝頭表面,每一次剝頭對屏敝層和(hé)導體(tǐ)無任何損傷,同時(shí)沒有(yǒu)化學性污染殘留,滿足潔淨剝頭需求。

Odyssey-2X: Standard manual unit for end strip-ping of wires. Load wires via removable fixture plate. 2”x2” strip area.

标準手動上(shàng)料機型,通(tōng)過可(kě)移動導線夾具上(shàng)料,提供2”x2” 區(qū)域的剝線範圍。

Odyssey-3X: fully automated wire feed to give the benefits of Odyssey stripping working with wires directly from a spool and then either cutting to length or re-reeling after stripping. Options include vision systems for precision strip zones and quality control.


Features & Benefits  性能特點和(hé)優勢:

Unique: specially designed laser process to give unrivalled stripping performance for polyimide type wires.


Clean stripping: all insulation vaporized in stripping area. No residue, no damage.


Precise: strip wires from 30 AWG down to 58 AWG and smaller. +/- 0.001 inch positioning repeatability for the best quality every time

精細剝頭:剝頭導線範圍從30AWG至58AWG,定位精度達到+/- 0.001 英寸

Versatile: adjustable settings to allow wires to be laser cut as well as laser stripped. Strip single wires or ribbons (bi-filar, tri-filar, twisted pair etc.)


Reliable: off-the-shelf integrated motion stages, sealed USA manufactured lasers and optics. USA off-the-shelf control system.


Fast: Typically strip a wire end in around 1 second


Specifications  技(jì)術(shù)參數(shù):


We serve the global market, both directly and through local agents. All of our products comply with the latest US and European safety standards


Laser Wire Solutions is a leading provider of laser stripping solutions for the highest quality medical, defence and aerospace interconnects. We can support you with proof of principle samples, contract manufacturing
services or machine supply, including customization. Check out our web-site for more information.